About half way into our trip, Father Joseph presented to us the question, "Why are you here?" I thought a lot about that question in the days that followed, and each day seemed to present a slightly different answer. We discussed in detail our final conclusions of the trip on our last night together over drinks, and really delved into the question, "why did God choose the nine of us to come to Africa?" Each student had a well thought out response, admitting that the trip brought them outside of their comfort zones and taught them how to love others on a whole new level. Until that question was posed I had yet to really consider why I was chosen as the "chaperone" of the trip. I inquired back in October about any trips in need of a chaperone. I stated eagerly that I would be more than happy to go along, as I had no family or responsibilities tying me to Ave other than work; and most of all, because I love traveling and serving people, even though I had neve...