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Showing posts from December, 2017

Reopening Doors of Childhood

My dresser has returned to it's original home after 17 years. I'm sitting here, in the room that was originally called "The baby's room", while nostalgia and still frames gently settle in my mind. Across from me a faithful dresser sits, storing my clothing; a dresser my grandfather made for me when I was born. That ol' dresser and myself, are the only two who are familiar to these four walls, as we both spent our first eleven years of "life" here. The rest of the items placed carefully on the shelves and around the room, are all new to this place. My dog and cat are curled up sleeping at the foot of the bed, finally getting used to this place I'm calling our home, for now. Two months ago I quit my job, because I felt God calling me to something else. Although I did not know what that something else would be, and am still sorting that out, I know now my brother needed a care taker, and God would choose me to be just that. From the compan