This is a post to remind you you're human. This is a post to remind you not of your imperfections, but of the perfect path you are on. Wherever you are in this exact moment is where you are supposed to be. And oddly enough, we fight against this truth every day of our lives, because much of the time we have different ideas of what we would be doing now; where we would be living, how much money we would be making, the bodies we would have, the things we would have accomplished, the gardens we would have planted, the things we wanted for our children, the letters we should have written, the exercising we intended to do, the people we were supposed to end up with, the projects we never finished, and the trips we would have taken. We look in the mirror and see bags, wrinkles, double chins, and gray hairs. We see mistakes, regret, and imperfection. We lay in our beds and thoughts of failure, anxiety, and fear, roll around in our brain like a game of pool, constantly knocking into one another until our head hurts.
This post is for you, stay at home mom, as you are constantly chasing your children around, wiping runny noses and cleaning food off the walls, wondering when you'll get at least 20 minutes to yourself. This is for you, know that it's okay if your house is a mess and your children make you feel joy, resentment, love, and anger, all within a 20 minute swing. This is for you, to remind you that no you're not going crazy, you are perfectly imperfect, and that is what makes you a great mom. You are loved.
This is for you, farmer in the field, losing sleep over lack of rain and money. You have done everything you can. If there were 24 hours of daylight, I know you'd be working all 24, but there's not. So rest, rest in Him. Whatever happens does not reflect your effort. It is not fair that men in suits can smoke cigars and drink brandy in a 40 story building while you are out in a field with no cell service harvesting a crop that will not even break even the amount of money you put into it. Keep trying. I see you, and you have a heart of gold. You are loved.
This is for you, struggling marriage, as you are constantly fighting over finances, pet peeves, past grievances, and who's fault it is your teenager is rebellious. This is for you; marriage is hard, one of the hardest vocations there is, and whoever said they end happily ever after, skipped over all the stuff in the middle. Your struggle is shared by many, do not give up. You're doing just fine. Compromise and love will see you through. Be patient with each other, and more importantly, be patient with yourself. You are loved.
This is for you, college student. It's okay to not know what you want to be, to not quite know who you are just yet, and to make a few mistakes. Keep trying. Even if you fail an exam, or feel you aren't good at anything, a grade or a class does not define you. Keep searching, your passion awaits. You are loved.
This is for you, single girl in your late twenties. Yes, this is the most awkward time of life. They say it is middle school, but I beg to differ. As you watch all of your friends get married and have kids, you sit at home alone and wonder what is wrong with you. I'm here to tell you; absolutely nothing. Do not take this time for granted. Loneliness is a terrible thing, but remember there are many married couples who are lonely too, so feel grateful for this time with yourself and do not settle because you think marriage is expected. You are loved.
This is for you, my friend, who just lost a loved one. I know it seems like there is no point in going on. Everything reminds you of them, and tears are shed daily. Let the tears flow and remember how they touched your life. Nothing anyone says can make the pain go away, and that is okay. You'll get through it and it is fine to call in sick to work, to cry, and to feel angry. Hugs, you are loved.
This is for you, single mom. You're doing a great job. The nights you've spent crying yourself to sleep and the sacrifices you've made have not gone unnoticed. You are wonderful and you are a hero. Even though you have no idea how you can provide, and you feel like a failure for not raising your child in a two parent home, you are doing the best you can, and you are so loved.
This is for you, dad who works all the time. No, you are not failing your kids by not being around as often as you'd like. You are providing for your family. Although it may not seem like it, someday they will thank you for your sacrifice. Maybe you don't even like your job, but you love your family, and what you are doing is admirable. You are loved.
This is for you, teacher. Students drive you crazy some days. And at times it feels you aren't making the impact you should. You are changing lives every day whether you realize it or not. Keep at it, you're making a difference. You are loved.
This is for you, overweight woman. So what, you've gained a few pounds; that has nothing to do with the person you are and the wonderful gifts you have to offer to the world. When you're eating chicken fingers at 10pm, don't hate yourself. Hating yourself will only breed more bad habits. Accept that chicken tastes good, and try again tomorrow. You are loved.
This is for you, fearer of the unknown. Yes, you like to plan things, and the fact that life has you at the throat right now, unable to plan, has left you feeling pretty helpless. It will pan out. Learn to trust. You'll look back on this time and realize the worries you had were unmerited because they caused more stress than what you deserve. Pray, hope, and don't worry. You are loved.
Don't be afraid to talk about your troubles friends. For some reason society thinks we need to post pictures about how great our lives are on Facebook, and swallow the things that trouble us with a drink. "Only showers and pillows deserve our tears", we think. It tells us through magazines, success stories, and movies that life is this thing that we should have figured out by a certain age. You'll never have it figured out. As someone who has a counseling background and gets spiritual direction on a monthly basis, I can't recommend enough to be vulnerable sometimes, share what is on your heart, and allow yourself to be human. I haven't met a soul yet who has life figured out, and I doubt I ever will. This life is a trial, and we are meant to share it together, not alone in our thoughts. Share your heart, share your dreams. Yes, people will try and stomp on them, but that's life. Head up and feet forward.
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